Saturday, March 26, 2011


I’m now waiting for my flight from Calgary to London to board. I’m going to take this opportunity to provide a list of some of the things I might be doing while I’m overseas at Buiga Sunrise…

The list of tasks I will potentially be involved with includes networking with organizations in Uganda to help Buiga Sunrise form friendships and working partnerships; assisting the Program Coordinator with grant applications to help secure local funding and support; organizing clinic records and creating new financial forms to improve accountability of the Buiga Sunrise healthcare program; working with the systems for keeping records at the Sunrise Clinic and School; converting paper files to computer to reduce the need for printing; designing and implementing a survey with the Sunrise Program Coordinator to learn from the community how Sunrise can improve its services and reach the lowest income earners; providing leadership training and basic entrepreneurial training for the Buiga Sunrise Youth Group and Women’s Empowerment Group; assisting the Buiga Sunrise Artisan Group and Tailoring Group to help them expand their markets; and working with the Buiga Sunrise Program Coordinator to set up “Artisan Workshops” that cater to tourists as a local income-generating initiative.

Wow, that all actually seems like a pretty tall order!
Check out Buiga Sunrise online:

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